The ActionListener interface is utilized for treating action events. For illustration, it's used for button clicks by a JButton, for checking by JCheckbox and unchecking, by a JMenuItem when an option is picked and a lot of other graphical components.
It's a uncomplicated interface with only one technique:
public interface ActionListener extends EventListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);
To make use of the ActionListener interface it must be applied by a class. There are more than a few ways to do this - creating a new class, using the class the graphical constituent is in, using an inner class or an anonymous inner class. The code that requires being run when the action event happens is placed inside the actionPerformed method.
Then the class implementing the ActionListener interface must be recorded with the graphical component through the addActionListener method.
Event Listener
An event listener is used to practice events. For instance, a graphical component similar to a JButton or JTextField is acknowledged as event sources. This indicates they can generate events - when a user relates to on the JButton or types text into the JTextField. The event listener’s job is to catch those events and do incredible with them.
Event listeners are in fact different types of interfaces. There are a lot of types: the ActionListener, TextListener, ContainerListener, WindowListener to name a few. Each interface describes one or more methods that have to be implemented by a class in sort for the event to be processed.
On the other hand there is a nice suppleness about event listeners in that more than one graphical constituent can be associated with identical event listener. It means if you encompass a similar set of components that are on the whole doing the same thing their events can all be held by one event listener.
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