Stored procedure
A stored process is a system (or procedure) which is actually stored within a information source. They are usually published in a exclusive information source terminology like PL/SQL for Oracle information source or PL/PgSQL for PostgreSQL. The benefits of a stored process is that when it is run, in reaction to a person ask for, it is run straight by the information source website, which usually operates on a individual information source host. As such, it has immediate entry to the information it needs to control and only needs to deliver its outcomes returning to the person, doing away with the expense of interacting huge volumes of information returning and forth.
User-defined function
A user-defined operate is a schedule that encapsulates useful sense for use in other inquiries. While opinions are restricted to 1 SELECT declaration, user-defined features can have several SELECT claims and offer more highly effective sense than is possible with opinions.
In SQL Hosting server 2000
User defined features have 3 primary categories
Scalar-valued operate - profits a scalar value such as an integer or a timestamp. Can be used as pillar name in queries
Inline operate - can contain 1 SELECT declaration.
Table-valued operate - can contain any variety of claims that fill the desk varying to be came back. They become useful when you need to come returning a set of lines, but you can't include the sense for getting this rowset in 1 SELECT declaration.
Differences between Saved process and Individual defined functions
UDF can be used in the SQL claims anywhere in the WHERE/HAVING/SELECT area where as Saved techniques cannot be.
UDFs that come returning platforms can be handled as another row set. This can be used in JOINs with other platforms.
Inline UDF's can be despite the point that of as opinions that take factors and can be used in JOINs and other Rowset functions.
Of course there will be Format differences
Code: SQL
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1
@parameter1 datatype = standard value,
@parameter2 datatype OUTPUT
User defined functions
Code: SQL
@parameter1 datatype = standard value,
@parameter2 datatype
RETURNS /* datatype */
/* sql declaration ... */
RETURN /* value */
ENDefined functions[UDF]
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