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Recognizing beneficial and harmful Microorganisms

Micro-organisms, equally destructive and valuable are existed all over the place. Man favors to culture the valuable ones and at the same time desires to control the growth of undesirable, adverse, pathogenic ones. Even in the culturing obliging microbe, contamination through the other functional organism encompasses to be proscribed as the later becomes contaminant.

This microbial control becomes very essential to avoid the contamination and transmission of diseases, deterioration of materials utilized and spoilage of food. In contrary to sterilization which wholly eradicates or kills the microorganisms control is rationale in the lessening in entire micro flora or the microbial activity.

Micro-organisms might be controlled by eradicating, inhibition or killing by physical and chemical agents. The physical agents involve dry heat, steam (or moist heat), flame (or incineration), radiation and filtration and so forth. Antiseptics, disinfectants, detergents, alcohol and heavy metals are assured chemical agents utilized. The eradication of micro-organisms is accomplished by the filtration and ultra centrifugation. Inhibition is keeping the cell in the static condition devoid of permitting it to cultivate and multiply employing anti-microbial agents. Killing or death is an irreparable loss of ability to reproduce through radiation, heat or by the chemicals.

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