In 1990, a guy by the name of David Koresh formed a group of followers who believed in the book of revelation as an apocalyptic in the New Testament of the bible who called themselves Branch Davidians. Koresh was a high school drop out that possessed a young charismatic religious belief. Koresh's followers called him, "The Lamb of God." The group formed outside Waco, Texas in a well-built compound built to survive judgment day.
A mailman, in 1992, noticed a partially opened package that contained grenades. The mailman reported this to the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). An investigation was opened on the group and Koresh. As a result, a search warrant was granted to search the compound of weapons and explosives.
tactical team formed outside the compound for a raid, which was met with force. Four agents, and six of Koresh's followers were killed. This incident lasted for 5 days. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) assumed control over the raid once it commenced. The FBI started a raid them selves containing tear gas and armored vehicles. All equipment being used in the raid was fire retardant and would not cause bodily harm to individuals inside.
A mailman, in 1992, noticed a partially opened package that contained grenades. The mailman reported this to the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). An investigation was opened on the group and Koresh. As a result, a search warrant was granted to search the compound of weapons and explosives.
tactical team formed outside the compound for a raid, which was met with force. Four agents, and six of Koresh's followers were killed. This incident lasted for 5 days. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) assumed control over the raid once it commenced. The FBI started a raid them selves containing tear gas and armored vehicles. All equipment being used in the raid was fire retardant and would not cause bodily harm to individuals inside.
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