Some of the Do’s to be a good Student in America are:
Scripting or Writing the papers has for all time been a challenge for me. The kind of writing that is considered a crucial skill in the U.S., being capable to construct and secure an argument, is not something I learned in Russia. Still this fact didn’t scare me away from taking the writing-intensive classes as soon as I began at Mount Holyoke College. I thought that I had to begin somewhere, and the sooner I began the better, as I would have more time to sharpen my skills. There are many sites like Tutorsglobe who are really very good in providing study materials.
The grade depended not only on a term paper, however as well on a set of smaller writing assignments. The teacher told that everybody would submit five assignments throughout the semester and that final grade for the assignments, instead of being a summary of such five grades, would rather reflect the growth we had made over the semester, from the very first paper to the last.
Generating more papers provide an opportunity to better recognize the professor’s prospects, as well as to enhance the overall quality of writing.
The lesson: Do not permit a setback reason you to give up or give in – there is generally a way to move ahead, if you are eager to work hard for it.
Ask teachers for help:
The next lesson from writing class was that teachers are habitually willing to help you in unforeseen ways, if you are keen to ask.
The lesson: Teachers encompass various teaching styles and encompass various ways of helping you learn. Even if one teacher declined to help you the way you wanted it, they might be willing to help in other manners, and it doesn't mean another teacher will as well decline.
Speak out:
In discussion group, participating in class discussions generally comprises a noteworthy percentage of a student’s grade.
Being an international student, many understand the fears and concerns regarding speaking in class. I, too, had thoughts similar to, ‘What if I make a grammar error or select the wrong word and Americans chuckle at me?’ and ‘What if I begin a debate in class, however cannot articulate myself quickly adequate to refute a challenger’s argument?’
The lesson: Do not let your anxiety regarding the language influence your grades and your career. THIS is your prospect to learn to speak English!
Some of the don’ts to be a good Student in America are:
One of the discoveries was that cheating in classes is not merely a matter of honesty however as well of culture. What is regarded as cheating in the U.S., like copying ideas devoid of citing them, would not essentially be problematic. Likewise, behavior which is encouraged or tacitly approved in the U.S., similar to reporting students who cheat, might attract censure anywhere else.
The lesson: Take fifteen minutes to read your school’s guide on plagiarism. This will save you a lot of hurt later.
Follow two hares at a time:
The additional actions have always been as significant as school. Their value is versatile: they do not just add to my personal growth, however as well increase my knowledge regarding my career field.
The lesson: Identify your precedence. Do not follow two hares at a time, unless you are a superhero.
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