The search for antibiotics begin in late 1880’s, with the acceptance of the germ hypothesis of diseases. In the mid of 1800 the Hungarian physician Ignatz Semmelweis and the English physician Joseph Lister generated some of the primary microbial control practices. Whenever the body’s normal defenses can’t prevent or overcome a disease, it is frequently treated with chemotherapy. Antimicrobial drugs act by hindering with the augmentation of microorganisms. Furthermore, it has to act in the host. Hence, their effects on the cells and tissues of the host are significant.
The ideal antimicrobial drugs kill the injurious microorganisms without harming the host. The mechanism of inhibition is termed as antibiosis and from this term comes the word Antibiotic, a substance generated by certain microorganisms. Certain drugs have a narrow spectrum of microbial activity and certain affect a wide range of gram positive and gram negative bacteria and are termed as broad spectrum antibiotics. Antimicrobial drugs are either bacteriostatic (i.e., prevents microbes from growing) or bactericidal (i.e., kill the microbes directly).
In the early year of 1929, Alexander Fleming, the British scientist, serendipitously discovered penicillin. During the year 1939, Howard Flory, Ernst Chain, and Norman Heatley acquired the Penicillium fungus from Fleming and overcame the scientific difficulties and generated the drug in crude form. By the year 1946, drug had become wide spread for clinical utilization.
In the year 1943, Selman Walksman and his group discovered other antibiotic Streptomycin from Streptomyces grisus. The streptomycin confirmed effective against numerous general infections.
The antibiotics might affect the cell wall synthesis, restrain protein synthesis, make injury to plasma membrane, restrain nucleic acid synthesis and inhibit the synthesis of necessary metabolites. The commonly employed antibiotics comprise Streptomycin, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, Neomycin, Bacitracin, Erythromycin, and so forth.
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