A practical solution for achieving language compatibility in scripting language compilers in computer programming
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Though scripting languages have become extremely popular, even mature scripting language implementations stay interpreted. Quite a few compilers and reimplementations have been attempted, usually focusing on performance. Based on our survey of these reimplementations, online tutors conclude that there are three significant features of scripting languages that are difficult to compile or reemployment. Since scripting languages are defined first and foremost through the semantics of their unique implementations, they often change semantics between releases. Online tutors give C APIs, used both for foreign-function interfaces and to write third-party extensions. These APIs typically have tight integration with the original implementation, and are used to give large standard libraries, which are not easy to re-use, and costly to reemployment. In conclusion, they support run-time code generation. These features make it tricky to design a completely compatible compiler. Online tutors present a method to support these features in an ahead-of-time compiler for PHP. Technique uses the original PHP implementation through the provided C API, both in our compiler and in our generated code.
They support all of these important scripting language features. As well, our approach allows us to automatically support limited future language changes. They present a discussion and performance assessment of this technique.
Modeling, refinement and test case cohort
Over the past years, the requirement for high-confidence coordination mechanisms has make stronger as new technologies have materialized for the development of service-oriented applications, making formalization of coordination mechanisms significant. Amalgamating Theories of Programming (UTP) provide a formal semantic foundation not only for programming languages but also for a variety of expressive specification languages. A key concept in UTP is plan: the recognizable pre/post-condition pair that explains a contract. In this paper we use UTP to formalize Reo connectors, whereby connectors are understood as designs in UTP. This reproduction can be used as a semantic foundation for proving properties of connectors, for example equivalence and refinement relations among connectors.
Resource article: http://www.expertsbuzz.com/
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