We always heard a phrase: Tine Is Money. Definitely time is limited and we all have to make the most of it. However people generally get stressed when the condition to efficiently manage time comes. The very first thing which people yearn for most under such situations is motivation. Interrelation between motivation, time management and stress: Motivation, stress and time-management are three considerable components of human existence. This is not just about educational life; each and every sector of life is affected by such three factors. Whenever you keep yourself in a task, you first have to guess how much time you must devote to it. If you do not accomplish the desired aim, you will end up by a stressed state. In this mental pressure, you will wish for someone to motivate you so that you can finish or re-do the uncompleted task. In educational life, students mainly feel the requirement of motivation and support. The reason is that they have to guide themselves tow...
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